Welcome to the wastelands...

This site is the base for the Factious Waste Live Campaign, War 1984.

Factious Waste is a character-driven tabletop skirmish game by Oakbound Studio. To play in the War 1984 Campaign you will need a copy of the core rules which can be downloaded via the sidebar on the right and/or a copy of the Factious Waste rulebook which can be purchased in PDF form from Oakbound Studio (see link to the right). You will also need to follow the site (see link to the right) to be able to post your updates.

At the top of this page is a list of the various factions which inhabit the wastelands. Below that you can find entries for the main locations in the region.

Each Sunday we will post updates on one or more location pages giving new contract possibilities, scrap leads, special offers in the markets and situations which could form the basis of games. There will also be posts with news about developments in the region. Whenever you play a game or advance your gang add a comment onto the relevant event and it will shape the direction of events.

If you would like to create a page for your gang or post a full report of your games we would love to have your content on the site. Simply send the admins a message via the contact form at the bottom of the page and we can add you to the team.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Substation Rumble

Pressed Squad 2A had made their way to Substation Alpha, intending to raise reinforcements against the NeoPrimitive band that had attacked them. When they got there they found the place eerily quiet, the gates in the chain-link fence wide open. Clearly it would be no simple matter of calling on the garrison, the best they could hope for was to make their way to the radio station and report to the GenCity. No sooner had they stepped through the gates then they came under fire from some shady figures up on the gantries... a previously un-encountered posse was holed up in the structure!

With open ground ahead to both sides and marksmen on the walkways above the squad's only chance was to split and sprint to the cover of the buildings. The GenCorps operatives headed away to the left whilst the rest of the posse swung off to the right, hoping the mesh would at least deter a few bullets. Before they reached halfway they were pounced by a masked agent, a flamboyant artisan and a crazed dougnutter. With the sniper on the gantry laying down covering fire both posses ducked and dived their way towards each other, making slow progress across the open. Maxwell kept close to the ruined outhouse and picked his moment to dart around the corner and open up on the unsuspecting ambushers with his shotgun. Meanwhile Judge Feer's nerves got the better of him and he empties the entire magazine of his Lawhammer into the shady figures, all of whom were still too far away for his wild shooting to reach them.

A desperate grapple between Maxwell and the artisan resulted in a stalemate until the trash runner finally managed to bring his opponent down. By that time reinforcements were close  and he had to hope that the narrow corridor between the building and fence were enough to limit his enemies' attacks.

Meanwhile, out to the left, Beta had fallen to the hailstorm from a Tom-E gun on the platform. The operatives' shields had kept them safe most of the way across the gap but couldn't shrug off the fire at close range. The enemy leader stepped in to finish off the stricken GenCorps, only to come face to face with an enraged Alpha. The GenCorps leader cast her opponent to the ground, but was left wide open as the agent above levelled his weapon at her.

With four of the posse Out of Action the squad opted to withdraw, forfeiting their objective but surviving to fight another day. The casualties sustained two head wounds and two cases of shell-shock whilst their enemies took a single case of severe trauma. The Pressed Squad disappeared into the night, using up the last of their field rations. Their mysterious enemies looted the abandoned Substation for provisions.

Scenario: The Pony Express
Pressed Squad 2A: 7XP
????: 28XP

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