Welcome to the wastelands...

This site is the base for the Factious Waste Live Campaign, War 1984.

Factious Waste is a character-driven tabletop skirmish game by Oakbound Studio. To play in the War 1984 Campaign you will need a copy of the core rules which can be downloaded via the sidebar on the right and/or a copy of the Factious Waste rulebook which can be purchased in PDF form from Oakbound Studio (see link to the right). You will also need to follow the site (see link to the right) to be able to post your updates.

At the top of this page is a list of the various factions which inhabit the wastelands. Below that you can find entries for the main locations in the region.

Each Sunday we will post updates on one or more location pages giving new contract possibilities, scrap leads, special offers in the markets and situations which could form the basis of games. There will also be posts with news about developments in the region. Whenever you play a game or advance your gang add a comment onto the relevant event and it will shape the direction of events.

If you would like to create a page for your gang or post a full report of your games we would love to have your content on the site. Simply send the admins a message via the contact form at the bottom of the page and we can add you to the team.

Friday, 8 December 2017

Long shadows at Dagger Ridge

Doc Noface scouts out the ruins ahead of his gang. 

The next round of the campaign got underway last weekend with a few gangs clashing over various remote parts of the region. For their first outing the NeoPrimitive Froom Gang decided to try and oust the mystery posse from their position in the substation.

This was to be a Sabotage mission, with the Primitives attempting to hit the power terminal at the rear of the steps in the centre of the table. This would knock out the floodlights and provide cover for a full-on assault.


The Primitive strike team deployed in two small teams. Doc Noface and Organ Man took cover in the ruined building, hoping to carve their way through to the terminal with the help of Organ Man's Tom-E Gun. The other three-man team set off across open ground behind low piles of junk, hoping to draw fire.

Mudrock readies his shotgun

The mystery gang clustered around the terminal, ready to pick off anyone who strayed too near. Who made the bright decision to put the Doughnutter and poorly-armed NeoPrimitive on guard duty? Nevertheless, with Frat gangers armed with Tom-E Guns and a crazy sniper on the right wing this wasn't going to be a walkover.

As the 3-man team crept amongst the barriers (the reclamation scout picking up a few choice pieces along the way), they caught sight of the Frat hiding in the building. Mudrock charged forwards and blasted at the nearest ganger. Unfortunately his opponent was able to dive out of range, leaving the Primitive in cover but away from his mates.

The Frat responded with a hail of shots which took Mudrock out of the fight, but they had broken cover. Iced Cream, the Doughnutter-gone-native, hefted his mighty crossbow and put a shot in the shoulder of one of the agents. Grinning his satisfaction he put a foot on the end of the bow and began to draw the string back fro another shot...

Meanwhile, Organ Man and the Doc were creeping through the rubble trying to stay out of sight of the sniper. Coming to the end of the buildings they had a difficult judgement call to make. Should they risk a dash across the open to the terminal or dig in and try to provide covering fire for their team-mates on the far side?

High above the complex an Artisan bounded across the gantries. Her pistol shots scattered nowhere near the fighters below but the haphazard whistle of projectiles was doing no good at all for the nerves of the NeoPrimitives cowering behind the barricades.

As Iced Cream fitted his arrow into place he caught a glimpse of the armoured Frat agent coming around the corner. Too late, he hefted the bow onto his shoulder as a Tom-E Gun blast tore his other shoulder open. The Doughnutter hit the deck, hard. There was little time for the Frat agent to celebrate however, Organ Man had made his decision and sprinted across the narrow gap to the next gantry and peppered his enemy's rear with shot. This was the chance the sniper had been waiting for. Left alone and partially exposed in the ruins, Doc Noface was an easy target. By the time Organ Man realised what was going on behind him his leader was on the ground. As the Artisan leapt down from the walkway and sprinted towards them and a second stepped out from the shadow of the main building the NeoPrimitives decided to cut their losses and run.

Gang with no name: 18XP
Froom Gang: 6XP

Mudrock did not survive the encounter, he was captured and executed by the Gang with no name. Iced Cream and Doc Noface sustained Trauma, lowering their base Endurance by 1.

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