Welcome to the wastelands...

This site is the base for the Factious Waste Live Campaign, War 1984.

Factious Waste is a character-driven tabletop skirmish game by Oakbound Studio. To play in the War 1984 Campaign you will need a copy of the core rules which can be downloaded via the sidebar on the right and/or a copy of the Factious Waste rulebook which can be purchased in PDF form from Oakbound Studio (see link to the right). You will also need to follow the site (see link to the right) to be able to post your updates.

At the top of this page is a list of the various factions which inhabit the wastelands. Below that you can find entries for the main locations in the region.

Each Sunday we will post updates on one or more location pages giving new contract possibilities, scrap leads, special offers in the markets and situations which could form the basis of games. There will also be posts with news about developments in the region. Whenever you play a game or advance your gang add a comment onto the relevant event and it will shape the direction of events.

If you would like to create a page for your gang or post a full report of your games we would love to have your content on the site. Simply send the admins a message via the contact form at the bottom of the page and we can add you to the team.

Basic Equipment List

Ranged Weapons

Ranged Weapon
Impact: 8 - distance fired to a minimum of 1. For example a Shotgun fired at a target 6” away would have an Impact of 2. A target 4” away would suffer 4 Damage.
Double-Barrelled Shotgun
Pump Action Shotgun
Magazine: 6
+1 Menace bonus to model wielding them. Shotguns can begin the Scene loaded.

Ranged Weapon
Impact: 4
Magazine: 5
The best designed guns are categorised as Sniper Rifles and are so well-built that they double the Accuracy of the Shooting Model. Rifles can begin the Scene loaded.

Automatic Firearm
Ranged Weapon
Impact: See below
Magazine: 10
Models which perform Shoot Actions with an Automatic Firearm may spend additional Stamina to add to the weapon’s Impact. The Impact is equal to the total amount of Stamina spent on the Shoot Action (to a maximum of the number of shots remaining in the Magazine). Each point of Impact reduces the remaining shots in the Magazine by 1. For example, a model may spend the normal 2 Stamina to Shoot plus 2 additional Stamina to inflict Impact 4 Damage on their target. The magazine is drained by 4. Automatics can begin the Scene loaded.

Ranged Weapon
Impact: 3
Magazine: 6
A Revolver halves the Accuracy (round up) of a model using one. This effects the maximum accuracy range. Revolvers can begin the Scene loaded.

Ranged Weapon
Impact: 2
Magazine: 1

Ranged Weapon
Impact: 3
Magazine: 1
The added work of loading a crossbow means it takes 3 Stamina to perform a Load Action with one, however the force of the heavy bolt hitting home is sufficient to knock the target clean off its feet. A target hit by a crossbow shot automatically Falls Prone in addition to being knocked back the usual 1”. Crossbows can begin the Scene loaded.

Throwing Blade
Ranged Weapon
Impact: 1
Magazine: Unlimited
Throwing Blades do not require Loading before they can be used, however they are short-ranged and half the Accuracy of the Shooting Model (affecting their maximum shooting range).

Ranged Weapon
Impact: 4
Magazine: See below
Flamethrowers have a range of 4”, 6” or 8” irrespective of Accuracy and other modifiers. A burst of 4” flame costs 1 fuel, 6” costs 2 fuel and 8” costs 3 fuel. The spray of burning chemicals covers all models (friend and foe alike) within the Shooting Model’s Field of Vision and Shooting Range. Ingenious individuals will rig up containers of any size to ensure they are carrying enough fuel which is paid for from the posse’s stash. Any model or flammable piece of terrain hit is considered to be On Fire. Flamethrowers do not need to load. In the case of a model have a 360 degree arc of fire (for example in an open-sided vehicle) the player should nominate where the Centre Front Line of the model is facing for the purposes of working out which models are hit. Any other passengers in the vehicle are assumed to get out of the way and are not hit. Models with a flamethrower have +3 Menace.

Grapple Weapons

Ranged Weapon/Grapple Weapon
Impact: 2 Impact: 3
Magazine: 1
Can be thrown if an opportunity presents itself, but are often more useful kept for close-quarters fighting. A model with a polearm can Engage an enemy in a Grapple at a distance of 1”. If they lose a round their opponent may Close with them (move into base contact) but may not inflict any Damage unless they also carry a polearm.

Grapple Weapon
Impact: 6
Chainsaws are alarmingly destructive, loud and unwieldy weapons and as such they command great respect. A model with a chainsaw gains +3 Menace. A chainsaw can be started with an Interact Action and turned off (another Interact Action). Whilst running the model can always be Perceived because of the din. They may not receive Orders or perform Speaking Actions as they cannot hear over the noise of the saw. They cannot Lift or Interact with anything or fire another weapon as the chainsaw requires both hands to wield. The model can only Strike in a Grapple, the weapon is too unwieldy for anything else. Starting a chainsaw costs 1 Fuel, however long it then runs for.

Hand Weapon
Grapple Weapon
Small Hand Weapon
Impact: 3
Large Hand Weapon
Impact: 4


Padded Armour
Endurance: 3
Heavy coats, thick vests and carefully-placed areas of padding offer a little defence against blows and flying debris.

Flak Armour
Endurance: 4
Most flak armour consists of either multiple layers of mesh or sheets of some rigid material surrounded by padding. Their prime job is to protect from glancing shots and shrapnel but some of the best-made armour is capable of deflecting direct hits.

Shell Armour
Endurance: 6
Finding materials flawless enough and resistant enough to fashion properly-working shell armour is no easy task in the wastelands. Reprocessing plants are able to fashion composites and some lucky tribes manage to find car body sections which can be repurposed into primitive plate armour. Prices for trustworthy shell armour are high but investing in a good-quality set has saved the life of many an outworld warrior.


A simple First-Aid box will allow urgent medical attention to be given to a lightly injured member of the posse. A medikit may be used on a model in base contact, or on the model carrying the kit provided they are not Prone. It will restore up to 3 points of Endurance and each kit may only be used once.

Containing a synthetic or mineral-derived stimulant, a stimmpack gives the user a temporary boost. For the duration of the Activation after they use the stimmpack (an Interact Action) raise either their Decisiveness, Stamina or Endurance by 1. This bonus is lost after the model has performed its Actions for that Activation.

Flashlights have an illumination range of 8”, allowing a model with one to have a Field of Vision this distance under Dark conditions. They can turn the flashlight on and off with an Interact Action. All models within the Field of Vision and illumination range of the model with the flashlight can be Perceived by any other model with a clear Line of Sight.

A telescope, set of rails or even a simple steadying mechanism allows a shooter to significantly increase their range. A model with a gunsight fitted to their weapon doubles their Accuracy when performing Shoot Actions. Gunsights cannot be fitted to revolvers, flamethrowers, throwing blades or polearms.

Red-dot Sight
Low-powered lasers are a quick and easy addition to a firearm for those with access to reasonable levels of technology. A model with a red-dot sight fitted to their weapon triples their Accuracy when performing Shoot Actions, even in Dark conditions. However a model targeted by a weapon with a red-dot sight can easily spot the beam and so always gets to React to the shot. Red-dot sights cannot be fitted to revolvers, flamethrowers, throwing blades or polearms.

This reduced version of the IR Goggles fits neatly to the side of a projectile weapon or flips over one eye when preparing to fire. It allows the user to Shoot as normal under Dark conditions but in order to use it the model must Aim before firing.

Loud Hailer
Something to make your voice heard above the howling wind of the wasteland… It’s not subtle and better resourced forces would prefer radio transmitters but when we’re talking Outworld survival sometimes the best you can hope for is a rolled up piece of plastic or metal to shout through. A model performing a Talk or Shout Action through a Loud Hailer doubles the usual Hearing Range.

Access Keycard
Locked doors can be a real hassle when there’s nowhere to put a skeleton key. Luckily there are plenty of tech wizards capable of knocking up an override card if they are familiar with the type of facility in question. When buying an Access Keycard a player should specify which faction they require the card for. The card will then open any locked doors in a facility belonging to that faction. Note that a GM may still overrule this, a Plot Coupon can be used to nullify the card’s effect and that NeoPrimitives, for example, are not noted for the technological complexity of their doors...

Synthpacks contain pouches of nutrition with syringe fittings, a little like an icing bag. In situations where there is no sustenance to be found these pouches can be injected into a vein to provide a temporary boost of energy and vitamins. One Synthpack contains enough pouches for 5 Provisions.

IR Goggles
Infrared Goggles (and visors, binoculars, eyepieces or whatever other form the piece of kit takes) are used to ignore the effects of the Dark condition.

Rare and in high demand by those who travel across the wastes, fuel is produced by various means Outworld. Some (but very little) is extracted from closely-guarded oil wells whilst much of it is synthesised from trace amounts of useful chemicals secreted as part of the recycling process. Fuel can be bought in small (can) and large (barrel) amounts. Large quantities of fuel are assumed to be only really useful for those with vehicles and the posse’s fuel stash is assumed to be kept on the largest vehicle they own. Bought fuel should be added to the posse roster and is not assigned to any one model or vehicle until they actually use it.
Fuel Can
Fuel: 5
Fuel Barrel
Fuel: 25

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