Welcome to the wastelands...

This site is the base for the Factious Waste Live Campaign, War 1984.

Factious Waste is a character-driven tabletop skirmish game by Oakbound Studio. To play in the War 1984 Campaign you will need a copy of the core rules which can be downloaded via the sidebar on the right and/or a copy of the Factious Waste rulebook which can be purchased in PDF form from Oakbound Studio (see link to the right). You will also need to follow the site (see link to the right) to be able to post your updates.

At the top of this page is a list of the various factions which inhabit the wastelands. Below that you can find entries for the main locations in the region.

Each Sunday we will post updates on one or more location pages giving new contract possibilities, scrap leads, special offers in the markets and situations which could form the basis of games. There will also be posts with news about developments in the region. Whenever you play a game or advance your gang add a comment onto the relevant event and it will shape the direction of events.

If you would like to create a page for your gang or post a full report of your games we would love to have your content on the site. Simply send the admins a message via the contact form at the bottom of the page and we can add you to the team.


Theoretically there is law outworld. Theoretically it is the same as inworld.

Naturally this is rarely, if ever, the case. The law of outworld is survival of the fittest and the most powerful, the Dons and GenPower plant owners, decide the rules and penalties. Nevertheless there are those from inworld police departments who decide to take their authority into the wastes.

Inworld policing is largely information control and cyber-security. In a society where most people almost never leave their homes and are totally catered for by their domestic appliances there is little work to be done policing the streets. The format the enforcers use to monitor online activity and undertake espionage and surveillance is software which simulates an action adventure game.

The enforcers themselves take on characters, entering the virtual world inhabited by citizens of inworld as they carry out their digital interactions. Within the game of law enforcement the officers are hardened soldiers commanding the highest tech imaginable against the cyber criminals. This platform leads some enforcers to desire to act out these characters in real life. The police force has a means of providing a release for such thoughts which might otherwise impede their ability to do their jobs. That means is outworld law enforcement.

Occasionally bands of enforcers are sent outworld to demonstrate that the establishment is in charge there as well. In practice this is usually an excuse to exile enforcers who might become difficult for the establishment to control; those who are excessively violent, who show sadistic traits or conversely those who are deemed too lenient or simply too capable of independent thought. Often these symptoms arise as a result of becoming too attached to cyber-personas. How these enforcers work out their task outworld is their own decision and reflects much of their character. The more noble might decide to make it their role to safeguard a community of NeoPrimitives or offer their services to a collective. Those who see themselves as the arm of the establishment may place themselves in GenCities or CycCentres as the visible presence of the government. Such presence is not likely to be welcomed by GenPower or the ReFrat, who consider themselves lords of their own domains. The most ruthless enforcers turn mercenary, working for the Runners or the ReFrat, going solo or forming a gang of enforcers to pick and choose their own brand of justice to take to the wasteland.

However they choose to act, the reality is that most are living out a fantasy created from the safety of an office desk which bears no resemblance to their genuine capabilities. Vigorous and enthusiastic though they may be, enforcers are usually poorly trained, unfit and naïve. Enforcers are sent outworld in full kit with military honours. No enforcer who goes outworld is seen as a disgrace but a warrior going to reinforce democratic rule in a lawless territory. However, without the support of inworld precincts enforcer equipment rapidly deteriorates and unless the enforcers can come by printing equipment or employment they are likely to need to turn to scavenging to survive. Lone enforcers are targeted by ruthless gangs within days of arriving outworld, their high-quality gear a valuable prize in the hands of an inexperienced prey. If they can hold onto their equipment they are likely to need to pawn it for provisions but a very few are able to convince posses to take them as guns for hire. No enforcer is ever accepted back inworld. These enforcers are commonly called 'doughnutters' by the residents of Outworld.

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